jeweled platypus


wednesday, february 07, 2007
The art of procrastination

I made my first home page in sixth grade, so it involved an interesting dilemma: how could I balance telling the world all about myself with my concerns about internet stalkers finding me? The result is detailed yet vague, a portrait of my interests in 1999 — complete with animated clip art and stolen images — that does not include my name. Here it is. Note how I mocked the web-counter trend by including an applet that looked like a counter but gave you a random number instead.

Now, what if I was sent back in time to create my home page as a 12-year-old, knowing all my 2007-era web skillz? You might get something that still looks bad.

comments (5)

So you'd literally redesign your first home page before you'd redesign this one. Awesome.
Jesper on 2/8/2007 01:24:38

haha i was so jealous of that crappy site.
lizzy on 2/8/2007 19:07:07

well you know, lizzy, i just made it because i was jealous of sarah's site. :)
britta on 2/9/2007 00:16:22

It's lovely. I wish I had kept my old one as well now.. Are you a professional harpist now?
Jason on 2/9/2007 16:40:07

no, i burned out on harp when i was about fifteen and chose the web as my obsession instead.
britta on 2/10/2007 21:34:23

comments are off. for new comments, my email address is


I’m Britta Gustafson.

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