jeweled platypus


sunday, march 25, 2007
Today I met a bunch of internet friends

This morning Doug and I went to BarcampLA (an event where nerds get together to be nerdy) and livemoblogged with the great and revered John Wiseman, which generated content like the following picture of a double-twittervision moleskine-note-taking session:

twitter vision in stereo

Then we listened to several self-promotional presentations, including a couple of amusing ones, and talked to neat people. Doug and I are probably going back tomorrow for more.

In the evening, we maneuvered over to Chinatown for some Nasty Nets Art Show Fun and were rewarded with grade-A surfing selections of YouTube and Flickr and other lovely artworks as well. I met some of the lovely members themselves, and after dinner and further intra-city maneuverings, it was dance-talk party time, nerds-only-style (no dancing required). There were cheetos (cheetoes?) involved. Also fun (fun?).

I think it is late at night (early in the morning? (4:30 am?)) and I will go to sleep now (before I write any more).

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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