jeweled platypus


sunday, march 18, 2007
Lists are easy to like

These are the obligations of a songwriter, according to a book about the Velvet Underground, quoted by a reviewer:

  1. observe and describe characters in situations;
  2. use simple words to convey rich thoughts;
  3. deal frankly with those people otherwise dispossessed of song;
  4. carry a hint of the subconscious at play, of shrewd implications about personal identity and social anxieties;
  5. possess a dry humour, finely balanced between satire and cynicism.

I like this list. It is good for any type of creative writer if you replace the “song” part: a poet, a novelist, a blogger, Dr. Seuss.

comments (2)

I was just vanity searching on google (I'm djcrabhat) and I totally came accross your blog. You totally deliscous'ed some photos of a show of mine which is so kewl. I must've met you some time, since all my friend's are CCS and there's only like 30 of you.

I don't know what the point of this is other than thanks for checking out my label! You should listen to whynot's new album, don't stop. He just put it up at and it's very pretty and all that stuff.
Manoli on 3/22/2007 03:06:21

awesome! yeah, i met you briefly at the book arts show in the ccs gallery a couple months ago. :)
britta on 3/22/2007 11:43:26

comments are off. for new comments, my email address is


I’m Britta Gustafson.

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