jeweled platypus


tuesday, june 28, 2005
An iTunes 4.9 question

a screenshot of the offending sourcelist item

How do you get rid of the “Podcasts” item in iTunes’ sourcelist/sidebar? I have no interest in listening to podcasts. I like to keep a clean sourcelist. Google is no help. Arrr.

comments (8)

dear lord yes, we must this figure this out. why can't you just turn this off.
shawn on 6/29/2005 06:55:55

i just want to know how to get rid of the music store
on 7/3/2005 00:10:13

that last comment was me
erin on 7/3/2005 00:10:43

you can uncheck "display music store" in the "music store" preferences, i think.
britta on 7/3/2005 13:11:51

I'll search for the offset har har har
kyle on 7/12/2005 14:50:11

Easy... dont upgrade 4.8 ...
nick on 7/13/2005 08:14:22

Yeah, you go into preferences and click on the Music Store icon, then uncheck "Show store" item.
Sadly there is no known way to remove the podcasts item. Apple, what were you thinking???

Meanwhile, get 4.8 here: h**p://

You'll need to delete 4.9 and go into /Library/Receipts and delete iTunes4.pkg (where /Library is the system's Library, not the Library in your home folder) before you do this.
Sir Not Appearing in this Blog on 8/7/2005 22:17:24

This is now under Preferences>>Parental Control>>Disable Music Store. I looked for a way to disable this for WAY too long.
Da Man on 12/14/2005 15:08:05

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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