jeweled platypus


sunday, february 26, 2006
Chickens are for viewing

Do you use Chicken of the VNC? Of course you do! It’s a great VNC (remote computer access) client. The only problem is that the icon isn’t very Aqualike. It’s cute, but doesn’t look nice with the other icons in my dock. So I replaced it with a chicken I found in my horrifically huge (~70 mb) collection of pretty icons. Now it looks like this:

the chicken in the application switcher

I can’t remember where I got this icon, though. It was part of some excellent collection of random icons that is now distributed throughout my obsessively organized icon subdirectories. So, until I figure out where to send you to download the collection, here’s the chicken icon. You can use Candybar to change the application icon, or just copy-and-paste the icon using the relevant Get Info windows.

Update 2/26/06 12:38: It’s from Pixel Pop v3 at widgetwidget. They’re charging for it now, though, so I probably shouldn’t give this one away.

comments (1)

Nice icon :-) Never used VNC, I prefer SSH for all my remote stuff. But, is it me or is there a piece of chicken missing to the top right?
Matthijs Kooijman on 2/23/2006 01:21:49

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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