saturday, august 07, 2004
new blogging system thingy: blosxom! it is turning out to be quite cool. easy templating, easy categories, blah blah blah. cool.
only thing i don’t like is that i can’t edit old files easily…they pop to the top of the blog…oh well. i’m in the process of integrating old blogger posts…i think they’re about halfway done. february and before are in blog limbo until i put them into blosxom format. whee!
the way this thingy does things is nice: if i’m somewhere else i can just ssh in and zap open vim or something, type, and save it to the right directory. or i could set up the email interface thing. or i could ftp things. and the next version might have a wiki sort of capability. much cool!
the only icky bit is that getting an archive with everything in all the categories, arranged by date doesn’t seem possible. it just cuts off after 20 or whatever i set it for. which is good for my purposes, i guess. i like the idea that things disappear eventually. i think. it’s more natural. or something.
and all the blog pages aren’t actually on… they’re on my computer,, because it’s just cooler (and easier) this way. so i’m using this this weird frame thing. oh well.
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