jeweled platypus


wednesday, march 01, 2006
Please error login

It’s time for the latest edition of snarky comments about dumb interface tricks. These are pretty old, so I don’t remember where most of them came from.

please tick this box
Please read the text in this image to see what I’m pointing out.

enter the login nmae into 'login'
This could only be better if it said “please”.

please confirm you are a human
I like the polite honesty, but “Error” might be construed as robot discrimination.

register using sign in dot net
This is what happens when you have stupid product names, Larry.

Other editions: college, silliness, original.

comments (2)

speaking of larry, have you watched numb3rs yet?
lizzy on 3/1/2006 22:42:29

at least it doesn't ask you to confirm that you are below human. This is where I usually add a microsoft comment, but I'll restrain myself.
hav on 3/2/2006 18:01:18

comments are off. for new comments, my email address is


I’m Britta Gustafson.

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