jeweled platypus


saturday, july 10, 2004
My online dairy is looking for people who have managed to turn their stream-of-consciousness online dairies into a career.

Today, virtual cow #12 fell asleep for a few minutes in the grass. I thought about how some of those Los Angeles underpass murals are really quite ugly, but then it was milking time again. Milk, milk, milk. I really think I prefer the soy stuff. At least this online dairy got me that job as a potato farmer! Too bad they fired me last month for daydreaming too much. Maybe I’ll start selling cheese in the sidebar.

Contribute your own experiences.

Update 7/15/04: They fixed it. Oh well. Here’s one that hasn’t been fixed.

Before they left, they were told that the experience may trigger unbiblical itchiness and thoughts or dreams about infancy.

I like these typos that almost make sense.

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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