jeweled platypus


saturday, april 19, 2008
Printmaking class project number one

the original oil well

The following prints are adapted from that photo, which I took last year around Taft.

darkish oil well print reddish oil well print

chine-colle oil well print blackish oil well print

light oil well print colorful oil well print

See all of them at once, pictures of the process, and a little video of making a print. I like oil wells. They look like dinosaurs, and they’re “drinking” liquefied ancient dinosaur matter, so they’re weird mechanical cannibals.

This class is taught by the same person who taught my letterpress class a while ago. Working on paper takes a long time, but it’s fun and helps me think about web design.

comments (2)

pretty pretty! I want one!
Lizzy on 4/22/2008 23:19:00

Rad! I'm going to try screenprinting some clothing for the first time tomorrow.
Lauren on 4/25/2008 14:54:04

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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