jeweled platypus


monday, february 13, 2006
Walking as a way to think

Instead of actually doing my homework, I take silly pictures and think about categorization schemes for wikis, bermuda buttercups, and the perfect pocket.

a guy walking in isla vista

a guy walking in isla vista

My second photo project is kind of boring, but I like it too.

comments (2)

Just for your information, Bermuda Buttercup sounds like a sissy USS ship. :)
Also: purdy photos.
Jesper on 2/13/2006 12:45:24

buttercup? did you and max just watch the princess bride for vday? cause i'd vomit. i like those pictures it's like where's waldo
lizzy on 2/13/2006 19:59:06

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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