jeweled platypus


thursday, august 03, 2006
Things noticed in San Francisco

on the bus

“Do not smoke, eat, drink, litter, or disturb other Muni passengers.”

on a bus stop ad

Gravity affects liquid differently in this ad.

in the garden of a shop

I think that Buddha is wearing Mardi Gras beads.

on the pavement

These curb street names are neat but sometimes a bit off.

comments (2)

Ad: It's almost as if he as moving the glass slightly, thus creating the pictured effect without resorting to gravitational malfunction. Surreal.

So cannibalism isn't allowed on the Muni either?
Jesper on 8/4/2006 01:43:34

You make me smile. Sorry I didn't end up coming to San Francisco. I was broke like a joke.
Erinnn on 8/5/2006 16:38:11

comments are off. for new comments, my email address is


I’m Britta Gustafson.

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