jeweled platypus


monday, august 21, 2006
When your boyfriend is an engineer

The other day, I came back from lunch and there was a note on my desk:

danger helvetica


Update 8/21/06 01:12. And because every blog needs more mirror pictures:

me in san francisco

comments (9)

wait. are you being stalked?
lizzy on 8/19/2006 20:56:54

um, depends on your definition of "stalked".
britta on 8/19/2006 21:11:18

STALKER!!!!!1 Also all of your PageRank greenness went white...
Douglas Thrift on 8/20/2006 03:41:53

yes :) i changed my robots.txt.
britta on 8/20/2006 09:44:36

Why would you do such a horrible thing?! Oh,'re the double agent, you must be trying to stop Google's PageRank from helping expose the Vegetarian Industrial Complex!1
Douglas Thrift on 8/20/2006 14:08:11

i dunno, jplatypus is really for me and my friends/enemies/lovers, not random googlers...
britta on 8/20/2006 19:07:16

my definition of "stalked" is having notes left around for you with SKULLS on them
on 8/21/2006 22:27:03

that was me, NOT YOUR STALKER
lizzy on 8/21/2006 22:28:23

wherez da boobies at?!
random googler on 8/23/2006 15:14:10

comments are off. for new comments, my email address is


I’m Britta Gustafson.

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