jeweled platypus


saturday, may 06, 2006
Noise complaints, a fire, and IHOP

Half of my house went camping and it was excellent fun, even if I ended up sleeping squished between four boys in a very small and cold tent.

not the relevant boys

three of the relevant boys and a few others

They also like to juggle. Or pretend to juggle.

comments (6)

Yay! Another picture of the back of my head!
Douglas Thrift on 5/7/2006 00:24:53

in the meanwhile, check this out:
Vulcar Zorki on 5/13/2006 03:06:05

Vulcar Zorki, Britta tells me that you are the one that owes me a "home-cinema set".
Douglas Thrift on 5/13/2006 15:08:31

Ack! Evil comma of dooom!
Douglas Thrift on 5/13/2006 15:09:21

the sneaky editor has not been here...
britta on 5/14/2006 15:06:02

I deny everything.
But wait.... i owe what to whom?
Vulcar Zorki on 5/15/2006 03:35:37

comments are off. for new comments, my email address is


I’m Britta Gustafson.

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