jeweled platypus


wednesday, june 02, 2004
Quartet of yellow birdies

I swear this isn’t turning into a photoblog.

Some little toys in a pewter cup.

A tiny, half-dead yellow rose plant in my room.

comments (4)

hey, i liked your photo at the mirror project...funny - all i've felt about doing lately is posting photos lately - perhaps it's summer
mike on 6/3/2004 13:30:25

p.s. entered wrong url on first comment - it's
mike on 6/3/2004 13:31:03

Whats next? pics of the toy doggies?
Mister Kyle on 6/3/2004 15:00:31

A picture of the doggies on my dresser, in fact. I was going to include it in this post, but that would have been tooo many pictures.
Britta on 6/3/2004 15:45:24

comments are off. for new comments, my email address is


I’m Britta Gustafson.

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