jeweled platypus


sunday, january 14, 2007
Find a “mashup” you think is interesting

Back in eighth or ninth grade, superbad shocked my mind; pokey the penguin educated it; why the lucky stiff told me that yes, this is neat stuff indeed. Then I grew up and got into web standards and traditional typography, and all the craziness was left behind in a flurry of straight lines and attempts at some classy minimalism. I got a little bored of that eventually, though.

So the year in the internet 2006 is full of things that I like now but probably would have ignored a year ago, including some of the people making and collecting these things. A few months ago, somebody told me that Cory Arcangel was cool, and he is — partly because he’s one of the few people besides me with a living Blosxom blog (along with Mark Jason Dominus and some others, yay). Then I sat on the carpet at my mom’s house and attended a nasty nets Internet Town Hall Meeting. Somehow I converted into a fan of Tom Moody, Guthrie Lonergan, Travis Hallenbeck, and maybe others on that list of people who picked links, full of the artistic potential of animated gifs and blog templates. I have always been fascinated by the liveliness of ancient personal websites, so that interest has become good and circular now that I have a secret name for it.

But for most of this past year, my favorite links were about typography and unicode and the glory of things like that. They began to receive a star tag, so you can find them there. My list of other kinds of best links from 2006:

a crazy photoshoppery for class

comments (2)

I'm in ur sitez, commentin ur stuffz!
Jesper on 1/14/2007 03:21:25

Mmm, donuts!!!1
Douglas Thrift on 1/15/2007 15:57:42

comments are off. for new comments, my email address is


I’m Britta Gustafson.

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