thursday, july 19, 2007
Between the end and the beginning of a year
My second year of college is over and I’m waiting at home for a couple weeks until I escape to intern at again. On my birthday, a week and a half ago, I usually list things learned in the past year (see 19, 18, 17, 16), so here is what I’ve learned this year: CCS Literature is a nice way to get a degree, and I might want to go to a library/information science graduate school, but I like my self-assigned website stuff most. I’d rather do all these classes later, when I’m tired of working. On my birthday I also usually post twelve of my best pictures from that year.
Anyway, here’s what I wrote from September to June:
- An essay about language use (foreigner English, native English, and non-English) in Maus II.
- A handful of little autobiographical comics.
- A long essay discussing the use of various mediums in McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern #13 (it’s good; buy it).
- A mini-essay about “Fantomina” and Moll Flanders.
- A list of the pages on the website of the Nonprofit Support Center of Santa Barbara, which was trickier than it sounds.
- The outline of an essay about taxonomies of memory in philosophy and neuroscience.
- A rant about “Remix and Remixability” by Lev Manovich and another about “The Futures of Literacy” by Gunther Kress.
- Long theoretical explications of an ugly collage and an interactive map.
- Several pages of wandering thoughts about stories by Jorge Luis Borges.
- A formal essay about fears of cloning as portrayed by a play, book, and movie.
- A blog post and accompanying analysis about my jeweled platypus.
- An edited compilation of my diary entries about a couple boys.
- A description and history of the CCS Computer Science Lab.
- A list of the best things I’ve eaten in Santa Barbara.
This may be less substantial than last year’s list; next year’s list needs to be better. Also, compare that post’s picture to this one:
Soon I’ll post a picture of my as-yet-unknown summer room in San Francisco, and it’ll look pretty much the same.
comments (4)
I am glad that you are cool and smart. Because, when I am old, at least some people who are cool and smart and not assclowns will be running the world.
– conrad on 6/20/2007 13:41:27
I'll be in Berkeley all summer. I hope we get a chance to do fun things.
– Lauren on 6/25/2007 00:59:40
HEY! big fan of your blog. i'm doing some marketing for this company called big BOING in emeryville that has a great new candy called Sour Extinguishers and i was hoping that you could help me get the word out to all your readers, and maybe even send you some samples! thanks so much, feel free to email me!
– sourextinguisher on 6/25/2007 16:06:43
Wow! And I'd thought I'd seen everything.
– Douglas Thrift on 6/27/2007 13:50:55
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