wednesday, october 05, 2005
You asked for more pictures
I have a very photogenic walk to class.
When I’m studying in the library and look out the window, I see trees and sunshine and bicycles.
This week, I’m learning about Richard Feynman as a person, Barbary slave narratives, the genre of diaries, and population growth vs. food consumption. But now the bright line between what I get credit for learning and what I learn on my own is growing pleasantly dimmer.
comments (4)
Richard Feynman. An exceptional physicist with colourful personality. Do you study Physics?
– Jason on 10/6/2005 15:42:10
no, i'm a lowly lit major, but we're reading feynman's letters as part of a class about letters. next is chekov, etc.
– britta on 10/7/2005 00:37:22
sorry. i just skimmed through the entry without fully reading it.
by the way, i have watched a video you uploaded that is called "sat".
what is the background music for that.
– Jason on 10/9/2005 19:58:22
it says at the very end: "staten island ferry" by clyde federal. link: : )
– britta on 10/9/2005 21:57:25
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