jeweled platypus


tuesday, april 24, 2007
I think I’m an intellectual lolcat

My “Culture of the Copy” English class intertwines with my “Borges and His Precursors” Literature class, and they’re both branches off the “New Media Reader” book I borrowed from a professor last quarter because her Writing class included some readings that I would have read just for fun (that is, the fun of tearing them apart). I like that many of these related seeds in my brain were planted and cultivated by my network, and that I use my brain to help make better.

This process of learning what I want to learn — synchronizing some of my formal and informal learning — is a little scary because I’m not sure whether I can absorb, process, and contain it all.

a 99 cent store barbie next to the back of a book with salman rushdie

In my creative-writing Literature class, we’re reading and imitating New Yorker profiles. One of the things I’m writing is a short history of my college, which is hard because I took the class on that subject last quarter and my memory of it is already fading (I also took a class about memory that quarter). The other piece I’m working on is about my college’s Computer Science lab, which is much easier and more fun. The professor assigned the subject to me because she knows I spend time there; I like that I may be the only person who both does that and wants to write about it.

I should write about too, especially during this summer, but that’s difficult in the way that writing about relationships is difficult: I couldn’t publish any of it because the people involved could tell me I’d written their secrets down wrong (also, the nitpicky details of non-disclosure agreements and future potential boyfriends shunning me). One solution is to write something now, wait until the people involved don’t care anymore, and then publish whatever it is. But I tried writing like that once, and after a few months I read it again and didn’t care either.

Bookmarking links is usually a way for me to learn things, but writing posts is almost always a way for me to put off doing my homework.

comments (2)

I am in yr blogs
on 5/2/2007 20:11:06

I guess it would have helped if I'd typed my name up on that there comment, wouldn't it have?
devon on 5/2/2007 20:11:42

comments are off. for new comments, my email address is


I’m Britta Gustafson.

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