jeweled platypus


wednesday, october 05, 2005
You asked for more pictures

plants and things

I have a very photogenic walk to class.

the view out the library window

When I’m studying in the library and look out the window, I see trees and sunshine and bicycles.

This week, I’m learning about Richard Feynman as a person, Barbary slave narratives, the genre of diaries, and population growth vs. food consumption. But now the bright line between what I get credit for learning and what I learn on my own is growing pleasantly dimmer.

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friday, september 23, 2005
Pirates roam the patio

College is excellent stuff. Here are more pictures:

the dean and friends

Those are my professors and my dean. He is holding a pool toy.

my bed and things

That is my side of the dorm room. My grandma made the quilt for my mom when she went to college. You can also see a wooden box of index cards and a mini-refrigerator full of vanilla soymilk.

The people in my house are wonderful. We are wild and play DDR at all hours of the night. Plus, the cafeteria food isn’t bad.

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sunday, september 18, 2005
My dorm talks like a pirate

trees and a lagoon and bikes

I’m officially at college; that is the view out of my window. Things are not much different from summer yet, except that I have a roommate (a nice one!) and no kitchen. Plus, I’m going kayaking on Saturday, I might take a pottery class, and I can swim any time I want to.

I have classes too. This quarter, I’m taking three literature classes (Diaries; Letters; and Islam, Arabs and Arab-American Voice in American Literature) and a freshman seminar, if I can successfully crash everything.

My dorm is beautiful and relatively new. My house has 42 people; my hall has 11 people and four bathrooms. Almost all of us are in the same program for crazy nerds. My mini-refrigerator has a half-eaten burrito inside. All of it is still a little overwhelming, and it is all good.

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saturday, july 09, 2005
The upside-down GPA

A's in eight classes. Not that it was very hard.

I got straight A’s my second semester of senior year, just to prove a point to myself. Hah! It didn’t take tremendous effort, but still.

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friday, june 03, 2005
More high school stuff

My friends and other people graduating.

Last night was my old school’s graduation. I went, thinking I’d regret not being up there on stage in a white dress, holding red roses, part of a class of “women of right heart and great conscience”. I didn’t.

I could have been one of them, and that’s enough. I have something that I wouldn’t have gotten there. It was nice to see my friends graduate, though.

My friends, frolicking in the Pacific Ocean.

Today was my school’s senior beach trip. We threw people into the ocean and got sand in our food. We ate ceviche and veggie burgers and listened to reggaeton. The chaperones watched while guys wrestled. The bus driver got mad at us for bellowing at the top of our lungs.

The water was cold, the air was windy, the sun was out, and we had fun.

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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