jeweled platypus


sunday, august 26, 2007
The scientific odd is another market niche

Paxton Gate is next to the pirate store at 826 Valencia, and it sells supplies for your garden and your cabinet of curiosities. So it has a lot of things I like:

two little bonsai trees, with price tags

a mirror picture of me wearing a shirt with a snake skeleton on it

The only problem with seeing a bunch of my aesthetic interests in one place is re-encountering the fact that I’m not terribly special, but I like that kind of problem. It is nice to belong to a city.

comments (1)

uhh you are special, i have never seen someone with a snake skeleton on their shirt. it is awesome by the way
lizzy on 8/29/2007 20:57:01

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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