jeweled platypus


thursday, december 04, 2003
this is longer than usual

i like messing with category schemes.

i reorganized my delicious categories today. i had them in a scheme similar to this blog’s, but it wasn’t working. it took me a while to consciously realize that entries and links are much different things. also, changing a link’s categories used to make it “new” again.

sometimes, creating categories reminds me of third-grade “sort the buttons!” exercises.

my class never did them, but my mom taught third grade for a while. i was in middle school and the buckets of miscellaneous keys/bottle caps/pen tops/small toys/etc still held my attention…

i like uncategorized things, too.

the average blosxom blog seems so much uglier than the average movabletype one. hmm.

it could be that movabletype’s templating system is better, or that its default templates are better, or that more people use it, or that it has a more design-oriented audience than blosxom. or that the majority of blogs i see use movabletype, so it sets the standard.

haha, i felt flattered the other day when i showed somebody a blosxom blog i’m working on & they asked if it was movabletype.

i think some of it is in the permanent/category/comment link configuration. blosxom blogs usually do the all-at-bottom thing, while movabletype blogs usually just put comment links at the bottom. the movabletype way makes more sense (category should be near title, so people quickly know what they’re reading about), so i changed my flavours/templates a little.

i think it looks worse. oh well. i still like blosxom more than i like movabletype.

i haven’t figured out yet why blosxom blogs (including mine) generally don’t use whitespace well.

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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