jeweled platypus


saturday, november 01, 2003
i know your ip address

gah. there is simply too much coolness on the internet.

how can i blog it all…is it all even worth blogging? infinite linkdumps aren’t useful to anyone, really, and i don’t have much to say about most of them except “mmm” or “haha cool” or “neat blog”.

my blogging should be a way to make sense of the intarweb, to contextualize and blah blah blah…but it just generates more coolness and aaah i can’t link it all, i can’t remember it all…

i guess this is where delicious comes in handy, to mechanically note everything i see…but there’s not enough metadata there, i guess. or i just need to get in the habit of it.

and anyway, there’s not enough time, with school and real life and crap. i wonder if there’s a market for professional websurfers…living search engines, people who have large portions of the internet in their minds, and can find the page somebody is thinking of within a few seconds…then the semweb would happen and i’d lose a job :)

hmm, what is my audience like? do i need to link semweb or do you know what i’m talking about? should i link all those semi-popular links or do you read the same blogs i do? i know, i should blog what i find interesting and my audience will shape itself…but then i have to decide what i find interesting.

“blog” six [seven] times in one post. enough.

disappointed idealist is no more. it was a great little community of crazy young webkids (including me for a long while) & hosted them for free. go see the remaining ones before they’re lost to uncertain hosting situations: reflecting, bigname, autumn, starz, clusterfuct, and oddly.

comments (3)

don't gots to explain nuttin to me, sweet cheeks.
d on

well, it is not quite the same thing but I know places like the library of congress have a database of "freelance" researchers that anyone can use.

there was google (still is?) answers, where people asked questions and paid for answers. but similar to the whole google-ads fiasco.. there are some unhappy folks there.

and there always but thats not paid.

if you find this magical job, please let me know. :D
shawn on

Who cares that you know my IP address?
I can change my IP address at will. So can anyone else with half a brain.
I know much more about you.
That guy on

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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