jeweled platypus


saturday, august 07, 2004
AIM IM with sarah <[older sister]>

sarah: BRIttaaaaaaq
britta: saaaraq
sarah: that sounds so terroristic
britta: haha!
sarah: so wuzzup
britta: nothing much, home dawg
sarah: i don’t process that expression
britta: o my, i could not type that with a straight face
sarah: are you a home dawg
britta: hahahah
britta: YES
sarah: or am i the dawg and you are at home, dawg being an interjection that vaguely refers to me.
sarah: like d00d
britta: i was thinking of it as calling you “home dawg”
britta: as in you are my dawg that is at home
sarah: Oh! A complication that had not even entered my head
sarah: alas

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tuesday, july 27, 2004
Banana-peel validation

Why does the W3C HTML Validator have a folded-over, decaying banana peel for a footer image?

The banana-peel footer.

There are multiple questions here.

(Thanks to d for identifying it.)

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saturday, july 10, 2004
My online dairy is looking for people who have managed to turn their stream-of-consciousness online dairies into a career.

Today, virtual cow #12 fell asleep for a few minutes in the grass. I thought about how some of those Los Angeles underpass murals are really quite ugly, but then it was milking time again. Milk, milk, milk. I really think I prefer the soy stuff. At least this online dairy got me that job as a potato farmer! Too bad they fired me last month for daydreaming too much. Maybe I’ll start selling cheese in the sidebar.

Contribute your own experiences.

Update 7/15/04: They fixed it. Oh well. Here’s one that hasn’t been fixed.

Before they left, they were told that the experience may trigger unbiblical itchiness and thoughts or dreams about infancy.

I like these typos that almost make sense.

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monday, may 24, 2004
single listeners searching msnbc for plastic pee

partial screenshots that have been collecting for weeks in a folder on my desktop.

listeners also bought rob zombie, death cab for cutie, frederic chopin, nine inch nails, air, and r. kelly
that’s a pretty wide variety of artists. i can’t remember whose itms page this was on.
start here with your custom search; it's that easy.
aren’t all searches custom? this was from some housing-search site.
from: gallium m. smack <>
“gallium m. smack” is a terrific spammer name.
news; highlights; politics; u.s. news; international; iraq conflict; terrorism & security; crime & punishment; environment; race in america; special coverage
quite an unorthodox set of categories.
did you mean pee sessions?
the itms said “pee sessions”! teehee.
harry, hermione, and rob in an advertisement for the latest harry potter movie
doesn’t rob look like he’s made out of plastic? that’s from the banner-ad version of those ubiquitous harry potter movie ads.
singles wanted!
reminds me of “the man in the coon-skin cap / in the big pen / wants eleven dollar bills / but you only got ten”, from “subterranean homesick blues” by bob dylan. it’s part of some banner ad for a dating site.
movable type 3.0 and eating. by timothy appnel
a rectangle of very high-density geekiness. the article itself.
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tuesday, april 13, 2004
browsing the collective unconscious

what kind of .txt files do people share on a p2p network? is there anything interesting to read? i imagined some secret bbs-like thing going on, people exchanging crazy files…or maybe just a bunch of readmes and software cracks.

i fired up my faithful accomplice and found out. i searched for “txt” a few times and i had a sample of 853 things. good enough.

this is what i found:

a list of the files i found

and a whole lot of files with mysterious and weird names. i downloaded a couple dozen of the promising ones.

guitar tabs for some inane song i’ve never heard of.
about crack.txt
installing a crack for macvcd. i have no idea what macvcd is. i figured this was about the drug.
a chat log, in french. who the hell shares their chat logs? poor alex.
a readme in german and english for a donation-ware font. i wonder what the font looks like.
Get every song you want here!.txt
awww, it just advertises a midi site.
heavy elephants.txt
a spoiler for some game with Greek and Norse soldiers.
a quote from Oedipus Rex.
Kniting Text.txt
exactly what it says. enthusiastic basic information on knitting.
information about itunes in what appears to be dutch.
about the app skinner, not the food.
also exactly what it says. things to know about the year 2000.

i could start a whole weblog of weird text files found on acquisition. maybe i will.

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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