jeweled platypus


friday, january 09, 2004
hello there

yes yes, it’s been a while…i was at my grandma’s house in new jersey for a week.

a corduroy toy

comments (5)

You had me worried! :)
Vulcar Zorki on

YOur platypus' name is Vulcar Zorki?
justin on

hehe, i don't think so. i've never thought about naming it, though. ideas?
britta on

how can i get a platypus like this?
mr. amoeba man on 4/15/2004 11:47:32

please help me find a wonderful platypus like this. on 4/15/2004 11:48:32

comments are off. for new comments, my email address is


I’m Britta Gustafson.

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