jeweled platypus


friday, april 07, 2006
No caviar or ramen

My college has a little student lounge with a refrigerator, microwave, student mailboxes, giant reading chairs, and a couple of bulletin boards displaying flyers from two years ago. It is excellent. This is one of the various signs on the refrigerator:

hey ccs!

It looks like this inside:

inside the fridge

But sadly, all the soups are gone:

no more soup

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sunday, april 02, 2006
Exit the spot stop

I love taking the train from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles. It is different from riding in a car; the train is slower, more peaceful, and has endless interesting things to see out of the window. At a few of the stops on the way:

the spot burgers and palm trees

exit only, ventura county fair

bicyclists and benches

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tuesday, march 14, 2006
The moviegoer goes to class

a projector and some lighting equipment

I have a fourth project for photography class. This one was going to be about the search for something, but I ended up liking pairs of colorful things better.

If that isn’t very articulate, I’ve been sort of sick for the past week and a half.

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thursday, march 02, 2006
Green and water and glass

It rains in Santa Barbara sometimes. Actually, I think it just started raining again. Pictures from a few days ago:

bits of sea glass on concrete

the great sea of sand

And the rain just stopped. Crazy.

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saturday, february 18, 2006
Things are what they seem

This is what my desk looks like.

a moleskine and some stuff

This is what I look like.

me in a bathroom mirror wearing ipod earbuds

Now you know!

Update 2/18/06 02:28: So they’re onto us and our self-portraits.

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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