jeweled platypus


sunday, june 25, 2006
This is not tagging

All around my house, there are small yellowish stickers with transliterated words on them. This is the legacy of my little sister’s sudden and fleeting interest in learning Japanese a couple years ago.

kagami sticker

Seeing “kagami” several times a day has taught me the Japanese word for mirror. It has been added to the list of Japanese words I know from Nethack (food ration, helmet, arrow, several kinds of swords, etc).

katen sticker


shawa sticker


gurasu sticker

Glass. Yes, it’s on a cabinet. The actual “cabinet” sticker (shokkidana) is on a different cabinet.

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tuesday, may 30, 2006
A better resting place than an elevator

On the edge of a grocery-store parking lot in an obscure part of Glendale, there is a cart cemetery.

two of them

two more

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sunday, may 21, 2006
Spot the intra-pant themes

I have sewn eleven patches and one ribbon onto my jeans of awesomeness now. The theme is still red, yellow, blue, and white patches from organizations that I do not belong to. Hoorj for eBay and WWII-era patch designers!


I don’t know what the yellow teepee is, but the one on the right is a Boy Scouts patch.

Army and Chi Phi

The one on the left is an Army Service Forces patch; the one on the right is a Chi Phi patch.

lots of patches

Upper left: Army Communications Specialist patch. Lower left: Fleet Marine Force Pacific Supply & Service patch and 15th Air Force patch. Upper right: Spanish Royal Rangers patch, which I had to put over a disintegrating Native-American-style ribbon. Lower right: Fraternal Order of the Eagles patch.

My friends question whether all of the patches are really necessary to cover up holes, but they are! Really! (Most of them.)

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saturday, may 06, 2006
Noise complaints, a fire, and IHOP

Half of my house went camping and it was excellent fun, even if I ended up sleeping squished between four boys in a very small and cold tent.

not the relevant boys

three of the relevant boys and a few others

They also like to juggle. Or pretend to juggle.

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tuesday, april 18, 2006
A purple dinosaur watching you

I visited the swings in the Isla Vista park today and it was awesome.

a blurry self-portrait

the park where I was singing

I like Isla Vista; it is a strange little place that I want to think about more. Since it’s mostly made up of students, it violates Jane Jacob’s rule that a good community needs to have people who live there for a long time. We don’t get invested in the community; we don’t begin to own buildings or bring in more sophisticated businesses, so rents are high, housing is bad, and there are a zillion weird little independent restaurants and shops. I like it, but I probably wouldn’t if I had to live there.

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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