jeweled platypus


wednesday, february 10, 2010
Moving on during hummingbird season

I bought myself a new camera on the night in December that I finished my last paper as a Literature student. I was writing about why John Milton includes his personal voice in parts of Paradise Lost, right after completing an explanation of the symbolism and structure of Gawain and the Green Knight… My interests didn’t fit neatly into the Lit major, so I struggled through some of the many essays, but I still wouldn’t have chosen any other major. I loved the College of Creative Studies, and I’m glad I’m done.

Anyway, I like taking pictures for fun, and during college I used a small point-and-shoot that I got in high school. My new one is also a small point-and-shoot, but technology improves in nice ways when you wait four and a half years between upgrades.

window, tree, rain drops

a small glass hummingbird by a window

I’ve moved back home to Los Angeles for a little while, to read and walk and hang out with my family as I figure out where I want to work. That’s our kitchen, where I cook soup that fogs up the windows on cold days.

comments (2)

Gorgeous shots -- which point-and-shoot did you get?
Halsted on 2/22/2010 12:21:32

Aw, thank you! I got a Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3. It has a reputation as being a step up from the average point-and-shoot, but I still use it on auto mode 90% of the time. :)
Britta on 2/23/2010 22:10:35

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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