jeweled platypus


monday, may 29, 2006
Chicago-style in the bathroom

New York subway map shower curtain + Chicago map soap + ???

new york city map on a shower curtain

chicago map on a bar of soap

I can’t find any more items like this, which is crushing my dreams of an awesomely city-themed bathroom. How about a Los Angeles towel? A Boston trash can? There must be more, somewhere.

Update 5/28/06 00:24: I found a Paris tea towel, which might work.

Update 5/29/06 01:16: My awesome mom showed me a London tea towel that she had in a drawer, but it was all stylized. I like the metro map things better. Also: London umbrella.

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thursday, july 21, 2005
Neon green and purple

One of those scary pages I made back when I had iron eyeballs: “ikonoklasm”, my 2002-era collection of AIM icons. The little yellow birdie is still the cutest thing I’ve ever seen on the Internet. This kitten is close, though.

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monday, november 08, 2004

Here are some things that have been sitting in my bookmarks bar for a long, long time. Too big for delicious, too small to discard, I can finally free them now.

Reflections on Trusting Trust, in which Ken Thompson presents “the cutest program [he] ever wrote.” I don’t quite follow it — something about a quine, a C compiler, and a clever trojan horse — but it’s cool.

Motorcyclist can’t drive 205, experts say, from the Duluth News Tribune. This guy got a speeding ticket for going faster than his motorcycle can go, possibly due to a half-second timer error. The neat thing, if you’re a Bob Dylan nerd, is that it was on Highway 61.

The high-class, wild animal version of [that] classic kitten image…”

Scientists calculate how high heels can go. Apparently, it depends on your shoe size, how sexy the shoes are, how much they cost, and the amount of alcohol consumed. Assuming my shoes cost $50 and are fairly fashionable, I can wear two-inch heels. Maybe they need another variable for how much you like heels. I’ll stick to my saddle shoes.

Students disciplined for award campaign: “Officials disciplined students who papered their nearly all-white high school with posters advocating a white student from South Africa for the school’s ‘Distinguished African American Student Award.’” I still can’t decide what to think about this.

Dudley’s Dungeon meditates on a boy named @. Those crazy Nethack people.

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tuesday, september 28, 2004
New weather

International Correspondence!

The United States, Canada, Sweden, Jesper’s friends (including me), and group blogging. It’s pretty cool — we’re discussing the weather currently.

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monday, september 27, 2004
Mustache mission

A mission from Elvis (indirectly): find origin and etymology of phrase “crazy moon language”.

393 hits on Google. Some of them appeared to stem from Things to Say When You’re Losing a Technical Argument, a list from 2001. However, “crazy moon language” showed up on Usenet as early as 1996 — on

In episode 27, season 3, “That Mustache Feeling”, the Tick has a mustache and says “I can’t read your crazy moon language”, confirmed by TICKisms. The episode aired on September 14, 1996.

There was another mission, but it was more difficult and I chose not to accept.

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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