jeweled platypus


sunday, february 04, 2007
Shiny abominations of new media

A weirdness that I made for my Photoshop for Web class, using the typeface Fertigo:

And one I made a few years ago:

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monday, january 29, 2007
I thought you should know

These are some of my favorite gifs of unknown origin:

a a little yellow birdie a squirrel twirling around a hamster saying 'just the faqs, maam'

This is one that I made a long time ago:


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monday, october 23, 2006
The Jehovah Grail owl

This is what happens when you combine…oh, you’ll see:


Say it out loud. Also see the Hegelian owls for uh, context.

P.S. YTMND, but I think mine is better.

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wednesday, february 01, 2006
Vegetarian Oedipus Complex

I had a dream last night that my friend and I were trying to breed puppies, so we had to obtain spinach and dog eggs. I bought the spinach, but the dog eggs were a bit difficult to find. We went into a sketchy part of the city and bought them from a prostitute. Then I wasn’t sure how spinach and dog eggs put together would produce dog tadpoles, but the friend told me that we just had to put them in tinfoil and keep the mixture warm (duh).

Which has nothing to do with the following happy bowl of salad.

a happy bowl of salad

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tuesday, november 08, 2005
A smiling piece of food

Today’s metacreature is actually a burrito. Why?

a smiling burrito

Well, why not?

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I’m Britta Gustafson.

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